I have some issues with arXiv submission, my paper is put on hold and there is no follow-up email for several days. Is it possible to submit model predictions with a link to arXiv preview (i.e. Log in to arXiv | arXiv e-print repository) and if not what are other options?
we have the very same problem. Our article is on hold and since deadline is approaching, we are searching for some alternative. Is there any suggested solution?
Thank you.
Just to clarify for everyone… arXiv is a public preprint repository that is independent from the ISIC challenge. However it has become he de facto place to place pre-prints for this sort of domain, and we used this mechanism successfully last year.
There is a process of getting articles approved (i.e. an editorial process) prior to them being made public, and unfortunately a number of the submissions were of such poor quality they were rejected. Given the number of submissions that we received (which is a good thing!), since I believe the arXiv editors are volunteers they decided that given the large number of poor quality submissions, they were going to block further submissions to the ISIC challenge.
As some of the other moderators stated, we are looking for a solution. However the purpose of this challenge is to advance knowledge in the data science community, particularly for our domain of interest ( machine learning, computer vision and dermatology). Thus actually having a tangible manuscript that can serve as the basis for future work is an important part of the challenge.
In submission, the place for arixv abstract is removed;
However, the submission requires to ‘Submit a manuscript describing your algorithm’s approach’, then how to submit the manuscript, just submit a pdf file with the test predicted responses?
The new workflow is indeed to provide a single PDF of the manuscript in the same ZIP file as your submission files (PNGs for Task 1/2 or a single CSV for Task 3). While the submission frontend seems to already reflect this, until @brianhelba provides the official announcement of change I can’t yet confirm the new evaluation container is deployed and functional.
Yesterday it was said it is enough to just upload the test predictions and provide the manuscript later (i guess by 31.7) Given these late changes in the submissions format, will the deadline extend? Or in my case who just submitted the predictions yesterday (and is out of office today), needs now to also upload the pdf in the same zipfile today?
We can consider your request for an extension, but I don’t have a final decision yet.
I’d suggest that in the case that you’ve already made your final submission and are unable to re-upload a new ZIP file, you may send us your PDF manuscript directly via a private message or email to miccai2018@isic-archive.com .