Task3 validation and test ground-truth data availability?


I have downloaded ISIC2018_Task3_Training_LesionGroupings.csv and ISIC2018_Task3_Training_GroundTruth.csv. But, I do not find any such metadata for Task3 validation and test data. Are they exist?

If yes, then how can I download them. I require to load validation and test data for my work. Please let me know the solutions.

Thank you so much.

Hi Paket Chaturvedi,

The validation- and test-set labels are not publicly available.

Instead, you can continuously submit your predictions of test-set images and get a score back from the official challenge submission site: https://submission.challenge.isic-archive.com/#challenge/5bedea14c5eaea2c335effca

Your approach will also show up on the public “live” leaderboard (https://challenge2018.isic-archive.com/live-leaderboards/)

Kind regards,

Philipp Tschandl