Multiple files submitted. Exactly one ZIP or CSV file should be submitted


I submitted to the test set on Task 3 around 12 hours ago, and received a message “Your submission has been scored successfully.” and I thought I was done. Just now I found I had a new message, sent 3 hours after the success message:

"An error occurred while scoring your submission named … to the challenge ISIC 2018 (Task 3: Final Test):

Multiple files submitted. Exactly one ZIP or CSV file should be submitted.

Please fix the error and try again.
I’m 99.9% sure I had submitted only one zip file containing a PDF paper and a csv entry as instructed on this forum. This is very disturbing given the very short time frame to deadline.

Just to be sure, I just resubmitted the zip file, and its again telling me its been successfully scored.

But can I please have some confirmation about the status of my submission, and in view of ambiguous confirmation messages, if something can be done to rectify after deadline if there remains a problem? Can I email the zip file separately?

I tried to create a private message but the “new message” button is missing.


Mark McDonnell

Hi @markmcd2018,

See my private message to you. This should now be fully resolved.

Thankyou very much, its appreciated, as is all the hard work in troubleshooting.

Mark McDonnell