ISIC2019 Live Challenge Score Details Not Displayed

@brianhelba @philipp.tschandl I submitted ISIC2019 test predictions through ISIC Challenge Submission webpage, it displayed “succeeded” status without the score in the page. But, I received single score in email. Can we see the detailed results (eg. aucs, sensitivity, and so on) similar to the one displayed in ISIC2019 leaderboard?


It will be great having access to those scores.

I’m trying to submit but I’m struggling in this part:


The upload never concludes =/
Is anyone else with this problem?

Hello, I have also submitted predictions in the challenge “2019 Lesion Diagnosis” and received a single score by email (and reported in the What does this score represent? Is the leaderboard (ISIC Challenge) active?
Best, Alessio

It looks like a validation score computed for small subset of test set (8K images). I am guessing the subset might have only one or two class distribution. For all my submissions, I am getting very high score compared to the top score in ISIC 2019 challenge leaderboard.

Dear organizer,
Similar to @rhinos, I am getting a higher score compared to top scores displayed in ISIC 2019 challenge. I have a plan to submit a paper at the ISIC workshop CVPR2020. I am just wondering if you can provide baseline performance for this dataset. Also, how may we make sure that the feedback score is really outperforming last year’s competition (ISIC 2019).

Thanks a lot in advance.

At the time of this issue, we were still developing the 2019 Live Leaderboard. It is now deployed publically at ISIC Challenge with all the metrics as the 2019 ISIC Challenge leaderboard. We dearly apologize for this lack of transparency.