arXiv manuscript submission deadline

Dear organizers,

I’d like to know if we can postpone the deadline for the arXiv manuscript submission. It is schedule for July 23rd, but the competition ends at July 27th. Would be possible to join both deadlines? Surely it would benefit all participantes and also enable us to report more detailed “last minute changes” on our models.

At least, could we submit an abstract at 23rd and the full manuscript at the end of the challenge?

Thanks in advance! Best regards,

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Same request here.
If we publish our approach on the 23rd, then anyone can potentially use the same approach and use it on the 27th, no?


Totally agree, there is no sense in the submission deadline being before the manuscript deadline. I would prefere both on 27th.

The ArXiv deadline has been extended. For details please refer to

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